MEDC Economic Partners

The MEDC partners with organizations across the state who engage in a variety of economic development activities, including financing, matchmaking, site selection, and supplying additional resources for companies and entrepreneurs.

Collaborative Development Council

In 2011, MEDC developed strategies to engage in regional collaboration among economic and community development organizations. Ten regions were formed and defined by local partners in an effort to align state service providers. MEDC convened a Collaborative Development Council (CDC), comprised of 20 economic development practitioners around the state, each representing different regions, as well as the Michigan Economic Developers Association. The CDC meets monthly with the goal to streamline services from statewide agencies, improve customer service to communities and businesses, coordinate information sharing and resources and encourage new regional initiatives.

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Other Regional and Local Development Partners

MEDC enlists the help of regional economic development partners to expand and attract businesses to the state. These partners help drive economic growth throughout the state, from large metropolitan areas to rural towns. In addition to serving in an advisory role to MEDC in policy and procedure, these partners also help to retain, attract and grow business in local communities.

MEDC cooperates with two types of formal economic development partnerships:

Interlocal Partnerships

An Interlocal Agreement is a formal agreement between public agencies to jointly exercise powers. These agreements enable public agencies to work together to provide services, share resources and reach a common goal. Interlocal Agreements are authorized by the Michigan Constitution and the Urban Cooperation Act of 1967. The MEDC was created through an Interlocal Agreement between the Michigan Strategic Fund and public agencies across Michigan.

Corporate Partners

MEDC appreciates and partners with numerous other types of economic development agencies across the state. These partners include various local agencies, utilities, and non-profit economic development organizations. To recognize these partnerships, the Corporate Partnership agreement was developed, which states that both entities will cooperate and assist each other in implementing economic development strategies that promote economic growth. 

Partner Training Sessions

In the spirit of collaboration, MEDC hosts educational sessions for our partners to learn more about our programs and services. To view past presentations, visit here.