Michigan's Arts and Cultural Organizations

The online resources below include helpful links to various kinds of additional information for arts organizations and artists throughout Michigan.

If there is an organization or resource you would like to have added to this section, please email to Chad Swan-Badgero, Programs Manager at [email protected]

MACC does not endorse or recommend any specific opportunity but provides these resources for informational purposes only. Organizations and artists are encouraged to research each opportunity thoroughly before following any specific advice or recommendation.


Local arts councils play an important role in advocating, encouraging and developing arts and cultural awareness. By facilitating, convening and organizing the arts, advocating for arts education and interacting with local arts and cultural organizations, they are instrumental in raising public awareness and the quality of life in local communities.

Below is a list of local arts councils in Michigan.


Arts and Cultural Organizations throughout Michigan are formed for the purpose of developing, promoting and producing the work of artists in various visual and performing art forms such as film, sculpture, dance, painting, multimedia, poetry and performance art. 

Below is a list of arts and cultural organizations throughout Michigan.


A statewide service organization is defined as an organization with membership or constituency that spans the state; that offers services to artists, arts organizations or in the field of arts education; that promote the arts through advocacy efforts; and/or provides arts information services to the public. 

Below are links to organizations that are resources for the arts industry in our state: