MI Sites Program
The MI Sites Program addresses the real estate needs of companies seeking to locate or expand operations in Michigan.Overview
MEDC has created the MI Sites Program to address the real estate needs of companies seeking to locate or expand operations in Michigan. The primary objective of the MI Sites program is to develop a statewide portfolio of ready sites for marketing to companies and site selectors throughout the world. To help accomplish this objective, consistent statewide criteria for site readiness have been established.
The program is designed to position Michigan to better compete for current and future projects by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each industrial property and providing individualized plans for enhancing readiness. Training and guidance will be provided to applicants at each step in the process to promote success.
The program rollout includes a Pilot Round, which will occur in 2024. This round will be used to identify any potential changes in the process and/or criteria that would enhance the overall effectiveness of the MI Sites program. The Pilot Round will be administered with the same level detail as future rounds, and the property designations will be considered official.
The MI Sites program entails a 4-step process:
Step 1 is to submit an Entrance Application for a property that meets the program requirements. Based on property characteristics, MEDC and the program administrator will select properties to move forward in the program. MEDC is planning for nine (9) properties to move forward during the Pilot Round of the program in 2024.
Step 2 includes completing an Evaluation Application and Site Visit. Information collected during this step will be used to determine the current readiness classification of each property – Bronze, Silver, or Gold. Applicants will receive feedback on ways to enhance site readiness, improve their RFI responses, and more effectively conduct site visits.
Step 3 is continued enhancement of site readiness. To receive support for continued enhancement of site readiness, applicants can apply to MEDC for funding (as available) to implement the recommendations for improving site readiness.
Step 4 is to apply for reclassification. Once an applicant has completed the necessary tasks and due diligence to move a property forward in the classification system (from Bronze to Silver or from Silver to Gold), they may submit a Reclassification Form and updated Evaluation Application to be reviewed for reclassification.
The Pilot Round of the program will occur in 2024. The Entrance Application period opens on March 22, 2024. The deadline to submit an Entrance Application is April 19, 2024. Applicants will receive notification of status (whether they have been selected to move forward to Step 2 in the Pilot Round) on May 13, 2024. In subsequent years, MEDC plans to operate two rounds of the program per calendar year.
Eligible Applicants
Eligible Applicants for the MI Sites program include:
- A political subdivision of Michigan, including without limitation, a county, city, village, township, charter township, or instrumentality of any of the foregoing, or a state agency not governed by the Michigan Strategic Fund;
- A local or regional economic development corporation or similar authority;
- The economic development division or department of a utility company.
Program Requirements
The following criteria must be met in order to submit a Step 1 Entrance Application for a property. Additional requirements, including utility capacities and timeframes, are detailed within the MI Sites Program Summary.
- Property is at least 25 acres.
- Property availability and price are documented. Acceptable forms of documentation include a Purchase Agreement, Option, Real Estate Listing, or Letter from Property Owner.
- Current zoning is identified.
- Property is designated for future industrial use by jurisdiction in which the property is located.
- Property is located within 5 miles of a highway that is designated by MDOT as an All-Season Route.
- Status of due diligence (whether it has been completed) is known.
Please download the MI Site Program Step 1 Entrance Application here. You will need to upload the completed document in the Wizehive application system. Deadline to apply is April 19, 2024.
Click Here to Access Wizehive Application
More program details can be found in the MI Site Program Pilot Round Summary here. Questions about the MI Sites program were due on April 9. You can review the FAQs by clicking here. Additional questions about the MI Sites program should be directed to the MEDC Real Estate Development office or the third-party program administrator, Quest Site Solutions.
Paul O’Connell
Vice President Real Estate Development
Michigan Economic Development Corporation
Kim Williams Davis
Quest Site Solutions