Spreading the word
MEDC Staff
Friday, October 20, 2017
New ‘Mich.’ magazine spotlights state’s assets, investment opportunities, communities, talent pool
Promoting the state’s pro-growth business climate, recent economic successes along with some of the state’s most engaging communities and cultural attractions, the new “Mich.” magazine presents a compelling narrative of the Great Lakes state in vivid detail.
The inaugural issue is now being distributed around the country and to strategic international locations. Foremost, the magazine aims to make a comprehensive and convincing case for business investment into Michigan. C-suite executives in 15 target states will receive ‘Mich.,’ including top business leaders in California, Texas, New York, Illinois, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.
To read an online version, visit Mich.
“‘Mich.’ captures Michigan’s legendary spirt of innovation and our down-to-earth Midwestern work ethic along with the culturally and geographically qualities of one of the most diverse states in the nation,” said Jeff Mason, CEO, Michigan Economic Development Corporation, the state’s chief marketing arm for business attraction. The MEDC administers programs and performs due diligence on a range of economic-incentive programs funded by the Michigan Strategic Fund.
“Not only are the reasons clear in ‘Mich.’ on why business leaders should locate to Michigan, but so, too, are the many reason to be optimistic that our state is at the leading edge of the unfolding 21st century economy,” said Mason.
The 164-page magazine, which is scheduled to be published annually, features a vivid Detroit cityscape cover, and a broad range of editorial departments that offer a 21st century portrayal of Michigan as a place of innovation, advanced manufacturing, and high-tech solutions to the autonomous-vehicle revolution.
Contents include an overview of Michigan’s business-friendly climate; an up-close look at the people and programs in the state’s diverse workforce; introduction to PlanetM, the state’s mobility initiatives; distinctive entrepreneurial accomplishments and up-and-coming entrepreneurs; and, a mosaic of images and anecdotes that reflect the distinctive Pure Michigan experience. The stunning design includes features on Michigan’s thriving urban centers and charming communities.
Approximately half of the publication is filled with advertisements and advertorials from economic development organizations around the state, universities and colleges, and a range of Michigan’s private-sector products and services businesses. The balance of features stories and advertorials offers an informative guide to prospective investors.
Based on a review of bids submitted in response to a request for proposal in 2016, Hour Media was awarded the contract for the project, which includes the editorial, design, printing and distribution of the magazine.
Hour Media, which is based in Troy, Mich., publishes "Hour Detroit," "Dbusiness" and "Prosper," among many other publications.
“Mich.” is available at select hotels, popular business meeting places and select airports, including Detroit Metro Airport, Gerald R. Ford International Airport in Grand Rapids, Lansing Capital Airport, Flint Bishop Airport and Cherry Capital Airport in Traverse City.
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