Travel Michigan VP is an "Extraordinary Mind"
Kathleen Achtenberg
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Travel Michigan Vice President Dave Lorenz was recently named to the Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association International’s “Top 25 Extraordinary Minds of 2018.”
Every year, 25 of the hotel and travel industry’s best and brightest are selected by a panel of senior industry executives for the HSMAI Top 25 for demonstrating innovative thinking and exceptional results in the preceding 18 months. Lorenz, a 17-year veteran with Travel Michigan, was the only state travel director to be recognized this year.
We sat down with Dave to talk to him about this well-deserved honor and learn more about his career leading the state’s tourism branding, advertising, and public relations efforts including overseeing the award-winning Pure Michigan tourism campaign and coordinating statewide tourism initiatives.
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