3 Takeaways with David Dittenber of Gene 5
Kathleen Achtenberg
Friday, October 25, 2019
When patients visit a hospital, they provide information about their medical history. However, only about 30 percent of that information is used by doctors, nurses and administrators. Gene 5 is working to change that statistic.
Supported by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) and CMURC, Gene 5 is a nationally recognized, award-winning company using artificial intelligence to think beyond the face value of data to unveil new insights and opportunities for growth.
Gene 5’s team of industry experts, data scientists and solution engineers are doing what no other high-tech company has done before: using artificial intelligence to unveil previously unnoticed data by creating and implementing cutting-edge solutions to real-world problems. Gene 5 integrates practical innovation solutions, market intelligence and hospital readmissions to analyze large segments of medical data, making the information accessible, affordable and easy to use by the health care industry.
As a multi-business owner and an award-winning entrepreneur, President and CEO of Gene 5 David Dittenber understands that tenacity, the proper resources and building relationships with mentors are key for aspiring entrepreneurs to overcome the difficult process of launching a start-up.
In this video, David sits down with the MEDC and shares three takeaways to educate innovators and entrepreneurs to help make the journey from concept to commercialization easier.
- You must know what resources are available. The amount of support you can receive from the MEDC, the State of Michigan and CMURC is fantastic. These organizations let us know the resources and money available to high-tech businesses looking to relocate to Michigan.
- Get to know the network and the people, then further develop those relationships.
- Educate yourself with people who have “been there and done that.” Mentors are more than willing to talk about successes, failures and opportunities you would otherwise overlook.
If you’ve got a high-tech start-up idea you’d like to explore further and don’t know where to start, contact the Michigan Economic Development Corporation’s Entrepreneurship & Innovation Initiative at 888-522-0103 or visit https://www.michiganbusiness.org/entrepreneurship.
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