Business expansions, community development projects win state approval
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
The Michigan Economic Development Corporation today announced Michigan Strategic Fund approval of Michigan Business Development program incentives and Community Development Block grants
LANSING – The Michigan Economic Development Corporation today announced Michigan Strategic Fund approval of Michigan Business Development program incentives and Community Development Block grants that in total will mean more than $7 million in private investment and 230 new, direct jobs in Michigan.
“These investments will promote greater opportunities for working families and job providers,” said Governor Rick Snyder. “A strong Michigan depends on strong communities and the MSF’s actions will help generate the type of economic energy that will keep our state moving forward.”
The Michigan Strategic Fund today approved incentives for the following business expansions:
ADP Dealer Services, Inc., a division of Automated Data Processing, Inc., is the leading provider of integrated computing solutions to truck, auto, motorcycle, marine, recreational vehicle and heavy equipment dealers worldwide and is represented in nearly 100 countries. ADP plans to open a new Digital Marketing Innovation center in the Renaissance Center in downtown Detroit to provide advanced marketing insights and client services for its clients in the automotive industry, investing $3.3million and adding 150 jobs in digital marketing technology and services, including data sciences, digital advertising and digital marketing account services. As a result of the expansion, ADP has been awarded a $1.5 million Michigan Business Development performance-based grant. Michigan was chosen after a nationwide site selection process. The City of Detroit plans to offer support in the form of personal property tax abatement.
Grand Rapids Chair Company was established in 1991 to provide steel frame seating to restaurants. Since then, the company has expanded into wood chair and table production. The company currently has 93 employees in four separate facilities where they occupy more than 150,000 square feet of manufacturing and warehouse space. Grand Rapids Chair Company is currently consolidating its operations under one roof and plans to expand at a new location in Byron Township to develop and manufacture commercial furniture. The company will invest $2.5 million and create 50 jobs for the project, resulting in a $200,000 Michigan Business Development performance-based grant. Byron Township has offered support to the project in the form of eight-year property tax abatements valued at $390,000.
The MSF approved the following awards for community development:
The City of Albion has been awarded $342,000 in CDBG funds for the Friends of the Bohm Theatre project in downtown Albion. The project includes the full interior, historic renovation of the 1929 Bohm Theatre and will act as a catalyst in the revitalization of downtown Albion. The project has received matching funds of $1.3 million including bank financing from Comerica Bank, a grant from the Jeffris Family Foundation and a grant from the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs.
The City of Houghton has received a $110,000 CDBG grant for the acquisition and renovation of a vacant, blighted building within the downtown district that will house Roy’s Pasties and Bakery. The project will include extensive rehabilitation of the building and create eight full time positions over the next two years. The company has agreed that at least five of the positions will be held by low and moderate income individuals.
The City of Manistee has been awarded a $330,000 in CDBG funds for the acquisition of a signature building within its downtown core. The property will be acquired by Blue Fish Kitchen, LLC for the purpose of opening a full service farm-to-table restaurant. The project will include extensive rehabilitation of the building and create 22 full time positions over the next two years. The company has agreed that at least 12 of the positions will be held by low and moderate income individuals.
The MSF also approved $4,472,531 in Downtown Infrastructure Grant (DIG) program funds to nine Michigan communities for public infrastructure improvements. Details of the grants will be announced on Friday, April 26.
“In the last two years we have greatly improved Michigan’s business climate and infrastructure, making it easier for our businesses to find new paths to prosperity, and the changes are paying off,” said MEDC President and CEO Michael A. Finney. “These projects will help strengthen and revitalize Michigan’s downtowns and help growing companiesgenerate new job opportunities.”
About Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC)
The Michigan Economic Development Corporation is the state’s marketing arm and lead advocate for business development, job awareness and community development with the focus on growing Michigan’s economy. For more information on the MEDC and our initiatives, visit www.MichiganBusiness.org. For Pure Michigan® tourism information, your trip begins at www.michigan.org. Join the conversation on: Facebook Instagram LinkedIn, and Twitter.
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