State of Michigan to host MiVirtualCareerFair on Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Job seekers and Michigan employers can connect with each other through a State-sponsored virtual career fair on Wednesday, May 21 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m
LANSING, Mich. – Job seekers and Michigan employers can connect with each other through a State-sponsored virtual career fair on Wednesday, May 21 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
MiVirtualCareerFairs, a tool of Pure Michigan Talent Connect, bring together Michigan employers and talent from across the state and the globe in an online, virtual environment.
“With more than 70,000 jobs currently posted on the Pure Michigan Talent Connect website, MiVirtualCareerFairs are another innovative tool to connect employers with qualified talent, and job seekers with job opportunities and career development resources,” said Amy Cell, senior vice president for talent enhancement at the Michigan Economic Development Corporation. “Since the first virtual career fair in February of 2012, more than 122 employers and more than 16,700 job seekers have been connected through the state’s 11 virtual events.”
There’s no cost for job seekers to participate. Registration information can be found at www.mitalent.org/virtualcareerfair. During virtual events, job seekers can explore customized employer booths, interact one-on-one with participating employers and search and apply for job opportunities. In addition, job seekers can access information about career development programs and resources in the Pure Michigan Talent Connect booth. All job openings posted during the events are accessible to participants for 30 days after event. Post-event, employers receive in-depth analytics including candidate resumes, applications, chat transcripts, and booth visit data, which further solidify connections made during the event.
Jobs with 30 Michigan employers will be featured at the May 21 event, making it the second largest to date. With assistance from the Michigan Works! System and event partners Capital Area Michigan Works! and the Capital Area IT Council the May 21 MiVirtualCareerFair will feature the following employers:
All Weather Seal of West Michigan
Altarum Institute
Avon Products
Burcham Hills Retirement Community
Consumers Energy
Dart Container Corporation
Diversified Precision Products
Dykhuis Farms, Inc.
Gonzalez Contract Services
Great Lakes Regional Care
Hillshire Brands
Ingenuity IEQ
Lansing Community College
McKinley, Inc.
OMNI Community Credit Union
Oscar W. Larson
Principal Financial Group – Great Lakes Business Center
RDA Group, Inc.
Recruitment Management Consultants, LLC
State of Michigan
TechSmith Corporation
Trillium Staffing
Trilogiq USA Corporation
United Shore Financial Services
Verizon Wireless
WorkForce Software
More than 4,250 job seekers participated in the February 2014 MiVirtualCareerFair. Three additional virtual event opportunities are scheduled in 2014: May 21, August 27 and November 12.
Employers interested in exhibiting in one of the upcoming MiVirtualCareerFair events are encouraged to contact Andrew Belanger, Talent Enhancement Project Coordinator for the Michigan Economic Development Corporation at [email protected]. Exhibitor information can also be found at www.mitalent.org/virtualcareerfair.
About Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC)
The Michigan Economic Development Corporation is the state’s marketing arm and lead advocate for business development, job awareness and community development with the focus on growing Michigan’s economy. For more information on the MEDC and our initiatives, visit www.MichiganBusiness.org. For Pure Michigan® tourism information, your trip begins at www.michigan.org. Join the conversation on: Facebook Instagram LinkedIn, and Twitter.
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