Crowdfunding campaign launched for the ‘ARTpath 2018’ project in Lansing
Monday, April 2, 2018
$7,500 goal to win matching grant through MEDC’s Public Spaces Community Places initiative
Lansing, Mich. – The historic Lansing River Trail will soon feature a new public art installation extending for 3.5 miles with the help of a crowdfunding campaign, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and the Lansing Art Gallery & Education Center in partnership with the city of Lansing's Parks and Recreation Department announced today. The campaign is being offered through Michigan-based crowdfunding platform Patronicity.
If the campaign reaches its crowdfunding goal of $7,500 by April 30, the project will win a matching grant with funds made possible by MEDC’s Public Spaces Community Places program. For project details and to donate, please visit: www.Patronicity.com/ARTpath2018.
“Unique projects like the ARTpath 2018 River Trail art installation redefine spaces and builds vibrancy in inactive places,” said MEDC Senior Vice President of Community Development Katharine Czarnecki. “We are proud to partner with the Lansing Art Gallery’s ARTpath program as we are discovering new and innovative ways to activate public spaces in communities across our state.”
During the summer of 2018, Lansing Art Gallery & Education Center will partner with the city of Lansing's Parks and Recreation Department to provide a public art display in 10 sites featured along our historic Lansing River Trail. This temporary, site-specific public art project will connect 3.5 miles of public art sites throughout the city while creating awareness and enhancing the River Trail as a cultural attraction.
"What an excellent way to highlight Michigan artists in 2018: along our Lansing River Trail! As we embark on our third year of crowdfunding for our public art projects with Patronicity and Lansing Art Gallery & Education Center, we appreciate a platform to share the news of this exciting ARTpath project. Special thanks are due to the City of Lansing for their partnership on this new initiative. We are truly grateful for the matching support from MEDC of $7,500, which provides a compelling reason for our community to contribute - ARTpath dollars are matched," said Lansing Art Gallery Executive Director Barb Whitney.
A free public kick-off event for the project will include site-specific tours via bike, bus and/or car, and volunteers from the community will provide curated tours of all the sites. Neighbors of the 10 sites will serve as volunteer site ambassadors who will learn and share the stories of the Michigan artists featured.
"Lansing‘s time is now, and we are excited to show off our vibrant community to all residents and visitors," said City of Lansing Mayor Andy Schor. "Riverfront development and public art are key pieces of growing Lansing. I am thrilled to join with these partners to make Lansing a great visual place for everyone."
Public Spaces Community Places is a collaborative effort of the MEDC, the Michigan Municipal League, and Patronicity, in which local residents can use crowdfunding to be part of the development of strategic projects in their communities and be backed with a matching grant from MEDC. Communities, nonprofits and other business entities can apply at https://patronicity.com/puremichigan.
“Placemaking is about creating or better utilizing existing spaces that attract people,” said Dan Gilmartin, CEO and executive director of the Michigan Municipal League. “This proposed art project is a fantastic example of placemaking because it takes an existing asset – the Lansing River Trail – and will make it even better. I’m certain, that with the public’s support, this work will be source of community pride for years to come.”
The Public Spaces Community Places initiative started in 2014 with MEDC providing matched funding of up to $50,000 for community improvement projects throughout Michigan. As of February 15, 2018, MEDC has provided $4,700,666 in matching grants. Since the launch of the program, 154 projects have been successful in reaching their goal, with $5.6 million raised from 28,416 individual donors.
About Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC)
The Michigan Economic Development Corporation is the state’s marketing arm and lead advocate for business development, job awareness and community development with the focus on growing Michigan’s economy. For more information on the MEDC and our initiatives, visit www.MichiganBusiness.org. For Pure Michigan® tourism information, your trip begins at www.michigan.org. Join the conversation on: Facebook Instagram LinkedIn, and Twitter.
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