Crowdfunding campaign launched for the A2AC murals project in downtown Ann Arbor
Monday, July 6, 2020
$50,000 goal to win matching grant through MEDC’s Public Spaces Community Places initiative
LANSING, Mich. – The Ann Arbor Art Center (A2AC) is working to create a series of murals in downtown Ann Arbor through a new crowdfunding campaign, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and Ann Arbor Art Center announced today. The campaign is being offered through the Michigan-based crowdfunding platform Patronicity.
If the campaign reaches its crowdfunding goal of $50,000 by July 31, the project will win a matching grant with funds made possible by MEDC’s Public Spaces Community Places program. For project details and to donate, please visit: patronicity.com/A2AC.
“Public art has the ability to shape the conversation and showcase cultural movements through placemaking,” said MEDC Senior Vice President of Community Development Michele Wildman. “We are pleased to bring this project to life and provide resources for this effort through our Public Spaces Community Places program.”
A2AC Murals is partnering with local, regional, national, and international artists to create up to 10 highly visible and vibrant murals primarily located in an emerging creative district in downtown Ann Arbor. The project is pairing selected downtown building and business owners with artists who will transform their building walls into something spectacular over the next five months—providing the community and visitors the opportunity to experience and enjoy these large works of visual art.
“This is the inaugural year of A2AC Murals and we’re so grateful to have the support of MEDC’s PSCP program to help launch our project. We know that right now, our communities have many social and financial concerns, said Ann Arbor Art Center President & CEO, Marie Klopf. “This matching program allows all contributions, large and small, to support a diverse group of mural artists to create distinctive works of public art. When people come together in this way, investing in creativity, we can transform neighborhoods and create a sense of place and belonging.”
Public Spaces Community Places is a collaborative effort of the MEDC, the Michigan Municipal League, and Patronicity, in which local residents can use crowdfunding to be part of the development of strategic projects in their communities and be backed with a matching grant from MEDC. Communities, nonprofits and other business entities can apply at https://patronicity.com/puremichigan.
“Creating public spaces that enable people to enjoy a diversity of art works is key to great placemaking,” said Dan Gilmartin, CEO and executive director of the Michigan Municipal League. “These murals will add to the vibrancy of the Ann Arbor community for residents and visitors alike.”
The Public Spaces Community Places initiative started in 2014 with MEDC providing matched funding of up to $50,000 for community improvement projects throughout Michigan. As of July 1, MEDC has provided more than $7.5 million in matching grants. Since the launch of the program, 244 projects have been successful in reaching their goal, with $8.7 million raised from 44,141 individual donors.
About Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC)
The Michigan Economic Development Corporation is the state’s marketing arm and lead advocate for business development, job awareness and community development with the focus on growing Michigan’s economy. For more information on the MEDC and our initiatives, visit www.MichiganBusiness.org. For Pure Michigan® tourism information, your trip begins at www.michigan.org. Join the conversation on: Facebook Instagram LinkedIn, and Twitter.
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