Growth Office - Field Trips

MEDC is seeking bids for the field trips program. Compared to other universities near large metro areas, Michigan students have relatively low exposure to places that contribute to a positive perception of Michigan. To facilitate increased exposure, the field trips program will organize 3-5 strategic activations to identify target populations in Michigan that are underexposed to Michigan's cities and natural beauty, and plan an opportunity for them to experience those attractions. To encourage maximum visibility, the field trips will be filmed and distributed as digital content.


More Details:

In order to increase talent retention in Michigan, it's critical that young Michiganders experience our state's vibrant cityscapes and beautiful natural environment. Increasing familiarity with these places should increase retention of recent graduates or attraction of young families choosing to move back to Michigan later in life.

Let’s Grow Michigan kicked off in May 2023 as an initiative to engage Michiganders in the goal of boosting the state’s population. Let’s Grow Michigan is focused on talent attraction and retention efforts that engage the public in the campaign to grow Michigan. In partnership with local communities, Let’s Grow Michigan pilots programs to test regional growth strategies and activates stakeholders and Michiganders as ambassadors to tell Michigan’s story. 

  • Project Length/Timeline: September 2024 to December 2024
  • Budget Range: Up to $150,000
  • Return completed quote to MEDC via email to [email protected] no later than 3:00 p.m. ET on July 10, 2024. 

RFQ Details

Click here to download and view the full details of the RFQ.