STEAM Ahead Internships

Talk to your employer to get enrolled with STEAM Ahead and begin your hands-on STEAM experience right here in Pure Michigan.

Secure a STEAM Internship and Launch your Career in Michigan

As a native Michigander or as someone who attends school here, you know how special the state is. With two easy steps, you can explore opportunities to learn more about the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) fields and gain first-hand experience right here in Michigan:

  1. Apply for a STEM-focused internship with a Michigan company.
  2. Talk to your employer about enrolling you with the STEAM Ahead program.
    • We work directly with employers to get their interns enrolled with our program. Employers can learn more about participating in our program on our website or by emailing [email protected]

Do I Qualify for STEAM Ahead?

To be eligible to participate, you must:

  • Be attending, or recently graduated from, college or university.
  • Have a Michigan connection (whether your college/university is here, you live in Michigan, or have family here).

The STEAM-focused internship must be with a Michigan company for 8 to 12 weeks, provide a minimum hourly wage of $15, have at least one week (5 workdays) of on-site work experience, and provide a direct supervisor.

Company and internship qualifications can be found on the STEAM Ahead website.


Please reach out to MEDC at [email protected] with any questions.

What advice would you have for others considering participating with the STEAM Ahead program?

What advice would you have for others considering participating with the STEAM Ahead program?

"Do it! It’s a great way to get into a professional setting. Being in a workplace feels very different than being in an academic setting and I’m very glad to be able to experience it. Now I can think much more clearly about what I can do with the knowledge and skills I gained in university."

- Autumn Zwiernik, Fall 2023 intern with Enspired Solutions