Semiconductors Higher Education Grant

The pilot TAT Semiconductors Higher Education Grant Initiative is intended to fund higher education partners (e.g., community colleges, 4-year colleges and universities) to implement programmatic solutions to grow the talent pipeline in Michigan.

Program Overview

TAT Semis brings together industry, higher education, training, and recruitment program partners to support the need to raise awareness and train talent for the Semiconductor industry. TAT Semis began convening over 15 Michigan-based and national semiconductor industry members in early 2023 to guide the investments needed to meet current and projected future demand.

TAT Semis will expand educational opportunities to build competitive, cross-industry talent for the future of semiconductors in Michigan, guided by industry input on most pressing programs, priority roles, and hiring needs. The pilot TAT Semiconductors Higher Education Grant Initiative is intended to fund higher education partners (e.g., community colleges, four-year colleges and universities) to implement programmatic solutions to goals aligned on with industry partners.

Frequently Asked Questions
To review a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the TAT Semiconductors Higher Education Grant Initiative, click here.

Informational Webinar
To receive a recording of the webinar hosted on June 1, 2023 and are an eligible Michigan Higher Education Institution, please email a request to [email protected]

Pilot Program Goals

MEDC is seeking programmatic solutions to the following goals:

  • Build a more diverse pipeline of job seekers by raising awareness of the semiconductor industry at a young age and increasing access to existing or future relevant education programs (e.g., engineering degree pipeline expansion through bootcamps and K-12 engagement, semiconductor programming and curriculum in K-12)   
  • Develop technician training programs that meet Michigan's industry needs today (<500 annually), and that can be quickly scaled to train approximately 500-1,000+ technicians annually in future years as industry expansion occurs.   
  • Connect more of Michigan’s top engineering talent with opportunities in the semiconductor industry 

We envision a potential partnership between MEDC and higher education partners to focus on the following areas:

  • Promoting engineering / career readiness and semiconductor industry awareness among PK-12 students (e.g., factory/manufacturing center tours, summer bootcamps, CTE semiconductor pathways)
  • Developing curriculum and flexible training models, particularly for technicians, that meets current semiconductor industry demand and develop the infrastructure to quickly scale with new needs (e.g., semiconductor “quickstart,” semiconductor technician Associate’s degree)

These initiatives should be focused on the priority roles identified by TAT Semis employer partners: 

  • Electrical Engineers
  • Computer Engineers
  • Process Engineers
  • Semiconductor Processing Technicians
  • Semiconductor Maintenance and Repair Workers


The TAT Semiconductors Higher Education Grant Initiative is seeking applicants for a 2023 pilot.

  • The grant opportunity was posted on Wednesday, May 24, 2023.

  • The grant application is due by June 30, 2023.

Please note that while the funding opportunity is restricted to higher education applicants for this round, the current application is intended only as a pilot. TAT Semis intends to provide opportunities to additional workforce, training and education partners in the future as industry needs arise.


The TAT Semiconductors Higher Education Grant application is open now and applications are due by June 30, 2023. 

Apply Now