Why Ann Arbor
Why Ann Arbor?
Rated the most educated city in the U.S. by Wallethub.com, Ann Arbor’s breadth of talent supports a wide range of specializations and industries, including life sciences, software engineering and mobility. From tech startups to global investors, Ann Arbor is a smart choice for any forward-thinking business.
most educated city in the U.S.
50% of Ann Arbor's residents have a bachelor's degree or higher.
Top 5
in best cities for millennials to call home
And a top 10 place for entrepreneurs to live and work.
Top 10
in best cities for small business
Ann Arbor received more than $19 million in private investment in 2017.
Expand or relocate your business in Ann Arbor
Cost of Doing Business in Michigan
Business are coming to Michigan and businesses are expanding their operations here because of a business friendly environment that the Tax Foundation ranks among the best in the nation.
Corporate Income Tax
Personal (flat) Income Tax
Sales Tax (+ no local sales tax)
Cost of Living in Ann Arbor
Michigan’s cost of living is 11% below the national average and ranks as the fourth most affordable state in the country.
Washington, DC
Living in Washington, DC's is nearly 14% more expensive than living in Ann Arbor. Named the most educated city in the U.S., Ann Arbor has an extremely qualified talent pool and a flourishing technology environment that is drawing startups and established business alike from overly expensive tech-centric areas like Silicon Valley.
Living in Chicago is 4% more expensive than living in Ann Arbor, and with everything from urban excitement to the great outdoors, Ann Arbor provides the best of both worlds — including unique shopping districts and entertainment — as well as popular farmer's markers and art fairs.
San Francisco
Living in San Francisco will cost you over 41% more when compared to living in Ann Arbor. Not to mention Michigan is surrounded by four of the five Great Lakes, boasting more freshwater coastline than California, or any other state for that matter.
New York-Newark-Jersey MSA
Living in the New York-Newark-Jersey MSA is 24% more expensive compared to living in Ann Arbor. With a youthful and energetic vibe, Ann Arbor is full of great outdoor and green spaces, exceptional museums, literary culture, and renowned eateries.
Supply Chain & Infrastructure
Michigan is within 500 miles of nearly half the U.S. and Canadian population and commerce centers providing unparalleled access to market.
$500 Million
in trade crosses between Michigan and Canada daily via the Ambassador Bridge, the busiest border crossing in North America.
of the globe's freshwater surrounds Michigan, the Great Lakes state.
TOP 10
in the nation for road infrastructure with toll-free highways across the state.
commercial airports in Michigan, including Detroit Metropolitan, one of the largest U.S. air hubs.
Why Michigan:
1. Wallet Hub
2. Forbes
3. Value Penguin
Cost of doing business: Tax Foundation
Cost of living: EMSI
Supply Chain:
1. CBC News
2. Department of Environmental Equality
3. U.S. Department of Transportation
4. Official USA