Access Capital


Connecting Businesses with Capital Providers

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Capital Access Program Information for Small Businesses

The Capital Access Program supports Michigan's small businesses by working directly with lending institutions who in turn provide traditional financing and access to capital to small businesses.

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Capital Access Program Information for Lenders

MEDC works directly with lenders and provides upfront financing support so lenders can provide traditional loans to small businesses they otherwise would not be able to provide.

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Equity Funding Programs

MEDC partners with and supports a variety of capital providers, venture capitalists, banks and other lending institutions that can help your business secure business loans and grants.

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SSBCI Information:

The Michigan Strategic Fund has received its first round of funding for SSBCI 2.0. Lenders interested in supporting borrowers through the collateral support and loan participation program may contact MEDC Capital Access at [email protected]. CDFIs and small business lenders seeking support through the loan guarantee support may also contact MEDC Capital Access. Small businesses seeking new financing should contact their local bank, credit union, or CDFI to discuss possible financing, including SSBCI support.

SSBCI 2.0 Update

In June, U.S. Treasury changed a key rule for the SSBCI 2.0 loan enhancement programs. Based on this change, the MEDC may now support new lending, which will refinance existing debt of a third-party, non-affiliated lender. This change is valid across all MEDC loan enhancement programs. MEDC believes that this change will greatly impact its ability to support small business lending in Michigan. Lenders may contact Chris Cook, Managing Director, Capital Access for more information: [email protected].

SSBCI 2.0 Access to Capital Overview Webinar
The Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS) and MEDC partnered for an informational webinar to provide small business lenders an overview of MEDC’s SSBCI 2.0 Access to Capital programs. The webinar featured opening remarks from DIFS Director Anita Fox as well as an in-depth overview of programs and requirements, lender and small business borrower eligibility, and was followed by a Q&A session.


The Michigan Economic Opportunity Fund

The Michigan Economic Opportunity Fund is a $10 million microbusiness loan program for women, veterans and all entrepreneurs of color who don’t qualify for traditional loans through banks or other financial institutions. The fund will provide opportunities for those who are socially and economically disadvantaged due to a lack of access to capital and credit.

The Michigan Economic Opportunity Fund includes a $1.5 million investment from Huntington National Bank, grant support from Ballmer Group of $1.5 million and a $1.5 million million State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) loan participation, in addition to a $1 million grant from MEDC. An additional $2 million from other private funders will be announced later in 2023. 

Individuals will be able to apply for up to $50,000 in loans through this program and can apply by visiting Questions about the program can be emailed to [email protected] or by calling 313-962-1920.

Global Retool Group

Brighton-based leader in supplying retools and retrofits of OEM manufacturers receives assistance through MEDC’s Capital Access program


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